Thursday, February 17, 2011

To nourish, to nurture

Today I met with the owner of Adelaide's and her pal, a baker.
The baker has admitted to being not so excited about baking coffee shop snacks, as she likes to focus the use of her professional kitchen for leavened breads and rustic strudel. The meeting was to discuss the possibility of me utilizing the kitchen to provide Adelaide's with goods when it is not in use, and to be a sort of apprentice to the Baker.
It's exciting to have a project like this.
Of course my mind is stretching this little ball of information into a membrane thin sheet, spanning the "oh hell, I hope not" and the "young baker takes world by storm with amazing crumble!" and I am sort of at a loss.
Both ladies, wonderful in their attempt to nurture the community by teaching and walking with the up and coming generation, are sincere in their hopes for the future, but left me a little floaty as I was not given any figures for cost, or any sort of idea as to how/when this all will take place.

These things take time to blossom, I suppose.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

How very, very exciting!!! Can I be your taste tester?? Please? Can't wait to hear how it's all coming along & YES, you can do it!! :)