Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Wish your Mother

That stupid boat of dreams.
What a Joke!

I wish His mother could anonymously receive a recording of the evening!

I wish I could, too.

What the fucking FUCK happened?

I left. That's for sure.

My Nemesis showed up at my TEST hang out with dream boat, and I effing left, after three or so hours, thank you very MUCH.
and then came back because I left my goddamn phone!
But I'm not dead, even though I feel like I should be, once a fuggin'gain.

I swear, to this second, I swear- she is a fugging wonderful person and exceptionally socially appropriate, and female- ary - domesticat-ical...

Sorry.... I can't help it... I CANT TAKE HER SERIOUSLY
 I can't make her make sense- I can't make this socially condensed situation make sense and it drives me nuts!

Pick it up, and start again, I suppose.

P.s. I made poached eggs over fried ham and flat bread for breakfast today, covered in homemade cream-of-asparagus soup from my co-worker, and it was FABULOUS!

So was my walk with maggie, when I had to un-tie the plastic bag and pick up  a second poop, because she has been too terrified to poop normally.
Thanks, Tourists!!

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