Friday, January 28, 2011

Looking Forward

I am so ready for April, when my Barista gig starts.
I will be working the noon to closing shift, just like I like. The bookshop is within walking distance of my house and the owner is one of those folks whom fascinate me to no end. She's mature, warm, independent and very successful. I am looking forward to learning from her, and being an accountable part of the Adelaide's group.

This morning I woke up to four am kisses and graces from my fisher man on his way to work. Once he was gone I wandered around the house, washed four of the four thousand dishes in and around the sink, played door man to a cat, peeked at the garden and then snuggled back into bed for four and a half more hours of snoozing. Right? isn't that the shit? That routine was my dream life the entire time I had a job, and/or just a life, with things to do and reasons to keep moving.
But I can tell you, there is no wonder to it.The sun is out and three cats are content to mobbing my lap for the best nap spot, as they do not have guilt about wasting a beautiful morning, also as they were out all night raising hell and murdering small fuzzy creatures and are now exhausted. So I am sitting on my fanny with victorious little Gretchen, whom if it matters, was not outside all night and not only not busy killing smaller things than her, but tucked into the warmest guinea pig sized spots under the covers, as tiny rodent sized cats should. A not exhausted, yet still somehow entitled, snot covered and wheezing mini loaf sized fluff on my lap and two dogs to play doorman for, and no- thank you, I am not feeling like I am living the dream life at all! I thought there would be some sense of audacity involved when living the dream life, to distract me, kind of how having a real life distracts you from the monotonous. Something that keeps repeating in the Buddhist and psycho babble self help reading I've been doing, and that is: Get over it! Life is monotonous sometimes. Sometimes it is fucking crazy fast paced whether you initiate the activity or not, and either way you have to accept that it is what's happening now, but also remember that nothing stays the same for ever.
 Then thing here is, generally in the past I throw a fit like a cranky child when I get bored, or confused about life and frustrated about employment opportunities. This probably triggers a pattern of shitty feelings and lashings-out, and I am probably best not going that route.
If I am patient, and making a true effort to keep my mind busy, and body tired, I can keep from feeling that I am a piece of nothing, a drain on society, a dark cloud in the day of the unsuspecting people I spontaneously interact with when I am out running errands and trying to not be in the house. Stuff is bound to happen. I have a lot to be thankful for!

And oh, I better go.
Bow hunter da just sent a text. I smell an outing!

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