Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Themes of Life as of late:

Wake up slowly.
Wear soft, thick socks, or slippers when you go to pour your coffee and start the fire. Stare into the flames well after it has taken off, or at wall for a good ten minutes before you pay attention to the train cars of thought beginning to zoom through your waking brain.

Slow down, always, slow down.
Allow for slow processing time, the result will less stressful and more direct.

Take time off.
First day of the weekend, tell everyone you've made plans. Wear disguises in public if needed to keep people from distracting you from your meandering day. Stay in pajamas, or shower and dress elaborately in evening wear- spend as much time as you want doing what ever it is that you want. However, knowing yourself, you should do something.

Don't let old hippie guys flatter you, they just want to cop a feel.

Don't let it bother you when people tell you that you should go to college, have three jobs and contribute regularly to an IRA, most likely, they are barfing up sentimental hooey and understand that they like you just like you are, and they hate admitting to themselves that you, at your lowly post, can get along just frickin fine.

If happiness is something that is important to you, sort it out for yourself before you go looking for it in other people. People put this off into the wee hours of their years, for when they cash in the 401K and tend to become madly, madly cranky.

TV is greedy entertainment, books are active, mind expanding tools and they are entertaining. When you can't read, listen to the written word. Watch how your imagination grows and edits the archetypal stories for your own psyche.

You must water the garden, not just sow the seeds, in order for it to give you delicious and sustaining food.

Though so terribly often misunderstood, quiet, too is a virtue.

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